Microscapes is an international competition of architecture, art, design, and landscape architecture promoted by the Inter-American Development Bank and the City Hall of Rio Negro in the context of the Fray Bentos Industrial Landscape [Paisaje Industrial Fray Bentos]. Fray Bentos Industrial Landscape is an industrial residential complex funded in 1863 as Fray Bentos Giebert el…

Microscapes. Micro Tactical Gardens

Microscapes is an international competition of architecture, art, design, and landscape architecture promoted by the Inter-American Development Bank and the City Hall of Rio Negro in the context of the Fray Bentos Industrial Landscape [Paisaje Industrial Fray Bentos].

Fray Bentos Industrial Landscape is an industrial residential complex funded in 1863 as Fray Bentos Giebert el Compagnie. In 1865, it was renamed Liebig’s Extract of Meat Company (LEMCO), specializing in the production and export of meat products. For more than a century the factory has represented one of the world’s best known Uruguayan meat factory, greatly innovating both production and marketing; until its decline and final closure in 1979. In 1987, the complex was declared a National Historical Monument and, in 2015, the Exfrigorifico Anglo was listed as UNESCO World Heritage, thus consolidating the process of recovery and valorization of the area. The restoration of the building heritage site is currently in progress and will be carried out over the coming decade.

The Microscapes competition was organized to complement the process of restoration of the Fray Bentos Industrial Landscape with an installation that can catalyze the activities and emotions of those who live in the site, as tourists, students, or residents.  Architects, designers, landscapers, craftsmen, citizens, businessmen, are invited to propose an ephemeral installation for one of the central spaces of the industrial complex, behind the university headquarters and steps away from the Uruguay River. The objective of the Micro Scapes competition was to activate and valorize one of the open spaces within the industrial complex, enhancing its historical, cultural and touristic value. The installation, although temporary and reversible, can suggest new ways of living and enjoying the river landscape and the historical heritage.

The winning proposal, designed by Arq. Pablo Carballo, Giuliana Franco Gargiulo, Nahuel Garcia Pastor, German Diego Silvera Gomez, opened on December 13, 2022 in Fray Bentos and remained available to the public until February 2023.


Winners of the Microscapes Micro Tactical Gardens competition to activate the World Heritage Site Fray Bentos Industrial Landscape, Archdaily, Belén Maitztegui, October 9, 2020

Rio Negro. Opening of the Microscapes intervention. Fray Bentos Department Government. December 13, 2022

– Opening of the installation, competition winning proposal designed by Arq. Pablo Carballo, Giuliana Franco Gargiulo, Nahuel Garcia Pastor, German Diego Silvera Gomez. Picture: Rio Negro Gobierno Departamental.

Competition organizers:

Inter-american Development Bank: Veronica Adler

Municipality of Rio Negro: Carolina Fiorelli, Andrea Castillo, Andrea Schunk, Fabiana Villalba, Mauro Delgrosso, Horacio Rodriguez

Competition Director: Jeannette Sordi

Graphic design: Maura Mantelli

Competition Jury:

Guillermo Levratto, Architect and UNESCO Site Manager
Edgardo Canepa, Local Artist
Verónica Adler, Senior Specialist Inter-American Development Bank
Fernando Cuenin, Head of Operations Inter-American Development Bank.

Competition Scientific Committee:

Mathilde Marengo, IAAC, Barcelona
Rodrigo Tisi, Adolfo Ibáñez University, Santiago
Mariagrazia Muscatello, Artishock, Chile University, Santiago
Mosè Ricci, UNITN, Trento
Belinda Tato, Ecosistema Urbano, Madrid
Alexandros Tsamis, CASE-RPI, Nueva York

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